About Bitci

You can buy/sell cryptocurrencies securely and quickly with Bitci.com.

1.2bDaily trading volume
1,000+Transactions per second

Bitci Privileges


Bitci provides reliable and fast service for your high volume transactions.


Bitcicoin, the first cryptocurrency to use its own blockchain network in Turkey, is a cryptocurrency that can also be used on Bitcipay payment systems.


Payments in Cryptocurrency

Bitcipay, which encourages merchants and users to make crypto-based payments, is Turkey's first cryptocurrency payment system that allows use in Turkish Lira.

Discover Bitcipay


Blockchain solutions

Tokens are produced for brands and clubs with Bitcichain, which is the first blockchain network integrated with exchange and payment platform in Turkey.

Discover Bitcichain!


If you also get excited when you hear the words blockchain and crypto money and want to be a part of the Bitci family, you can apply to our open positions.

Open positions